Thursday, November 10, 2011

Compare the interviews

We can see interview is everywhere, and sometimes interview is becoming a part of our life. We can see that the interview is required by the schools, companies, as part of the test. We have many kind of the interviews. One of them is like the interview in the school and company to test people's skill of communication. Another kind of interview is in news agency, journalist make an interview of certain people to see their opinions and make some conclusion. 

In the interview, they way to ask and they way to speak in very important because in can reflect one's argument. People who make the interview will always prepare a lot of questions to ask people and these questions are always contain a lot of important fact. People who speak in the interview always speak in a direct way, because people can understand faster. 

How to organize one's opinion is very important because it can make people understand in a different way. so, people who speak in the interview will always speak in an understandable way. How to arrange the way of speaking? In my opinion, I think people should first list the thing they want to talk about, and then make some example for each topic they want to say. They can make a final conclusion when they finish their topic list. So, In this way, people can be easily to understand what they are talking about. 

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