Friday, September 16, 2011

revision of writing

We write very often, especially in school, no matter in assignment, excise or exam. What makes a good writing? In my opinion, I think a good writing should be creative and attractive. How can we write a good paragraph? It is not very easy, and we should do a lot of work.

First, a good draft is necessary, in our draft, we should include our topic, main idea and many other evidences. We also need to prepare a lot before we write, to collect the useful informations and many other useful materials. We can do our draft more then one times with different ideas and see which one is the best choice.

After the draft, we can give our draft to other people and let them see whether it is good or not good, then we can listen to other people's opinion and suggestion. When we talk with other people, we can learn a lot, so, it is same in writing, we can learn a lot from other people when we share our passage to others.

When we get sufficient ideas, we can rewrite or modify our paragraph, using the new ideas to enrich our article, make it more nice to read. In this position, we should correct our grammar mistakes, to avoid spelling mistake. Then, our article can be more nice.

After we have done our article, we should read our passage again, to see whether it is perfect, if not, do the above stages again. 

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