Friday, September 2, 2011


 We are surrounded by advertisements, and receiving advertisement is becoming a part of our daily life. Advertisements are sometimes not so annoying, instead, they are very interesting, and they are becoming a way of relax. In this article, I will discuss the advertisements in many aspects. First, I will discuss different types of advertisements, including their media and form. Second, I will discuss an advertisement base on my own choice. Finally, I will analysis an advertisement in our daily life.

Every day, there are whole bunch of advertisements come to my mailbox, selling discount goods or coming new products. Every time when I go to market, they will give me a lot of handouts, printed selling information on that. Every time when I connect Internet, there is lots of pop-ups appear in my browser, telling me which products is coming. In this market economy, people are trying their best to promote their goods, trying to attract consumers, and trying to maximally create profits.

I have seen a lot of forms of advertisements. The advertisements should be impressive if they want to attract the consumers’ attention. If the advertisement is failed, then, every effort that the company made will be lost, so, companies always focus on how to make good advertisements. A good advertisement always cost a company a lot of times and money to made, and a good advertisement will bring a lot of benefits to a company. Many companies use a part of their profit to invest on the advertisement, they may hire advertising agents to help their design, or they may setup their own advertising group.

Advertisement can be promoted via a lot of media, like TV, newspapers, magazines. These advertisements can be made into many forms like posts and TV shows, depend on promoting media. Each media and form of advertisements has their own advantages. For example,

Some of the advertisements are promoted via handouts. Some handouts I have ever received are extremely thick, reach to hundreds pages. These handouts give elaborate information about the goods, giving costumer a good review. Normally, these handouts will cost a big money to print and assemble, but many companies are still insisting to do this, mainly because they trust they will bring a good reward. Personally, I think this is a good way to make handouts, compare to those handouts merely have one page, people are more likely to keep a thick one, and have a read more then one times.

Some handouts are print on books, magazines, and notebooks. Companies give these stuffs to customers for free, aiming to let customers see the advertisements. For some magazines, the price is very low, or even free, because some companies sponsor the publishers, and people can see a lot of advertisements when they read such a magazine. Some companies print notebooks by themselves, print a lot of advertisements on them, and then give them to customers for free. This will also cost a lot of money, but sometimes, the coming profit will be very huge.

As I mentioned before, a good advertisement can attract the customers’ attention and it will bring a lot of profits to the company. Now, I will talk about a way of my own advertisement. First, a suitable media is important because it will decide whether customers will see the advertisement. If I am the manager of a company, I will print the advertisements on the certain products, like cups and pencils because these things are daily necessary goods and people use them frequently. If we give these goods to customer for free, customers are always willing to accept them and bring them back home. So, if we Print advertisement on those goods, customers can easily see them and can often see them. Then, how to advertise is next step and this is also very important because customers can memorize an impressive advertisement permanently. I will choose to put products’ images because most time people are unwilling to read a lot of text, so, an impressive image can be possible. If everything is running on the right track, then when customers are using these goods in daily life, they will gradually accept the advertisement and go to buy them.

Now, I will analysis an advertisement of my choice. Personally, I like apple, I like the products bring by apple, not because their appearance is beautiful, but they ability of these products is awesome. Further more, products bring by apple is very convenient to use and they can let your life become much more easy. So, this time, I picked up an advertisement bring by apple very long ago, and the image of the advertisement is attached in the final paper, which is about a mac produced in 1984.

Macintosh is made by apple, and now is the most popular computer in the world. Apple made awesome computers, and they also made awesome advertisements for their product. In their advertisements, customers are easily be attract, and can easily acquire the information which apple trying to say. The awesome feature of mac is that mac is very easy to manipulate, and the display is very beautiful.

This is an advertisement produced by apple in 1984, although it is very old, it is very classic. The advertisement contains images and text, trying to give customer a lot of information about mac, and trying to persuade them to buy. Personally, I pretty like this advertisement because of its classic style and perfect arrangement of images and text.

First, let me analysis the images on the advertisement. There is a main image about the whole appearance of the mac. The screen of the mac shows “hello” in a beautiful style because it is apple that first introduced word style in computer. It shows quite difference with PC in that age, far before the windows appear. The size of this mac is small compare to other computers in that age, so there is another images says that this mac can be put into bags, and it seems it more like today’s laptop, and it is very convenient. The mouse, which we call it today, was invented by apple at that time. Do not like other computer, which only require keyboard to input command, this mac can input command through mouse. The text says: If you can point, you can use mac”. Other four images show the ability of mac to display images, and they can let customer realize that the mac has awesome ability to process both in a lot of areas.

Then, let me analysis the text on this advertisement. The text occupied most of the area of this advertisement, trying to give a lot of information to customers, and trying to let them realize the awesome features of mac. I think this is a advertisement should put on the magazines and newspapers, and then can be read as an article. Customer may be attracted by the awesome images of the advertisement, then, they will read the text. Customer will get the most information from the text when they read the article, then, they will interest in the product and finally buy them.

I think this is a good advertisement because it contains the most information which apple want to tell the costumers, and customers can easily acquire the information which apple trying to tell them. The arrangement of the images and articles is very suitable, and customers are very willing to read it as an article in newspapers and magazines.

It is an advertisement from very long ago. Now, apple made a lot of new awesome advertisement, ranging form video to picture. I like the advertisements made by apple because I like the unique style they made.

In conclusion, advertisements are everywhere in our daily life, and they hugely influenced our daily life. A good advertisement will not only bring a lot of profits to the company, but it will also bring people a lot of enjoyment in their daily life and enrich people’s life.

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