Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Cartoon analysis

Almost every newspapers and magazines have cartoons printed on them, relating to the issues on our daily life. Now, here is a cartoon I found on website, talking about an issue bring by Twitter.

On the cartoon, there is a man standing on the road, and behind him are many robots, waving their hands and saying let the man follow them back. The man feels afraid and he just want to escape from there, but those robots are following very close.

This is talking about a real issue in our daily life, which is about the Twitter use. Almost everybody have their own Twitter, and post something they want to share with other people. On twitter, there is a place where shows the clients' follower and who the clients are following with. Normally, people will feel pleasure that they have many followers because people may feel they win more attentions with huge numbers of followers. Usually, friends and families are the common followers, but what if all your friends and families become your followers? People may want as many followers as possible. So, they will follow people they might not know and ask them to follow back. Many people may be annoyed by such a manner, but what they can do in such an open internet?

There is an interesting comments on the bottom of the cartoon, which says:" At first, Bob was thrilled with all the attentions and followers." That is sarcasm, isn't it? Be attention to the words: "At first". Is that means something? Yes! A few times later, Bob may be glade that he has so many followers on his Twitter, and he might going to follow other people he might not know and ask them to follow back. As time going on, more and more people are willing to behave in such a manner.

The situation is similar in nearly all the social communication websites. People want to earn as many attentions as possible by other people. Sometimes it may cause people have huge numbers of "friends"on their list, some of them they might never meet in real life. Personally, I do not really like the way people communicate in those websites, I prefer to talk and communicate with my friends and people in real life, but do not waste time on those meaningless things on those website.

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