Thursday, November 10, 2011


We use a lot of citation in our writing, and we must use these citation correctly because if not, we will be considered as plagiarism, so we should avoid this to be happening. This is just from out side, we can see further, from the society side, if people only copy the things made by other people, then, the society will never improve. So, we should create the things by ourselves.

We can see some books, especially the textbook, the author just use a lot of citation from other book and few of the context are create by themselves, as a result, more and more similar books appears and they just waste time and waste money.

So, how to balance the citation and creation? I think they best way is create the context by people themselves as much as possible, make some of the reference and improve the things made by other people, then, the academic research can be developed in a faster speed.

type of argument

We can hear and see a lot of argument in our daily life, and we sometimes make argument to people toward a different opinion. Different people may have different preference toward the argument. Personally, I like some type of the argument. 

For example. I like the way people making a lot of examples when they are making an argument to me and because examples are more willing to be accepted, so argument with strong example can be very useful.

I also like people to make a debate with me because in the debate, I can always learned a lot, and we can find a lot of useful informations in the debate. We can also know other people's opinions and learn from others.

Argument can be very positive because it is a way of learning and they way of sharing ideas. 

the position of a people

In the society, we act different characters. In the school, I am a student; In the family, I am a son, In restaurant, I am a customer......there is a lot of examples of this and we have different responsibility of being different characters. The way we living in the society will always have a lot of influence of other people surround us. We are trying to show the best side of ourselves to others and want other people to have a good influence of ourselves.

In the school, I am a student, and I have to study hard to pass the exam and what we do will influence other people. For example, if I am study very hard, my classmate will also study hard because they also want to pass the exam. If I am writing a paper perfectly, my professor can spend less time on my paper and can do many other things.

In the home, what my position and behave will always have some influence of people surround me. And in conclusion, people can have a good influence by the people if people behave good, and they can also have a good influence to other people if they behave good.  

What is a good poster?

What is poster? Poster is kind of the advertisement that company made to promote their products. Sometimes posters just include some informations to make people know something. But how to make a good poster? People seems want to make poster as bigger as possible because this can attract people more and people can pay more attention to that.

How to make a strong poster? I think people should include the factors which can attract people's attention like the large picture and large slogan. But the problem is, if we make the poster larger and larger, will the quality become better or not? Or just something that merely unchanged and in opposite direction?

I think that we should make the size of the poster fit the people's eyes and no too big and no too small. People will feel very comfortable only if they feel they are fit in the poster? Same in the context in the poster, people do not want to see too much word, they prefer to see more pictures and photos. So, the context in the picture should as concise as possible.

So, that is the way of how to make a good and a strong poster.

How to take notes.

People taking notes from class and it is a very important way of study. When we are writing some academic essay we always will make a lot of reference of the articles made by other people and we will cite the article a lot. But the way of citing is very important because if you cited in a different way, you will be considered as plagiarism. So, how to cite article correctly?

First you should make sure which book you will cite, and then find the page you want to cite. Then, read the whole article and check whether the topic is matched you paper. 

Second, find the author of the book and this is very important because there might have a lot of author will write the same topic. so, the writer you chose is very important. 

Third, find the Press and the ISBN number of the book, and find the published date, because there may a have a lot of books which have the same context, so, you should figure it out.

Normally, the cite paper is the last paper of your paper, and in this page, you should include all the books you are reference and make cite with. So, if you do that, you will make a very good paper.   

Compare the interviews

We can see interview is everywhere, and sometimes interview is becoming a part of our life. We can see that the interview is required by the schools, companies, as part of the test. We have many kind of the interviews. One of them is like the interview in the school and company to test people's skill of communication. Another kind of interview is in news agency, journalist make an interview of certain people to see their opinions and make some conclusion. 

In the interview, they way to ask and they way to speak in very important because in can reflect one's argument. People who make the interview will always prepare a lot of questions to ask people and these questions are always contain a lot of important fact. People who speak in the interview always speak in a direct way, because people can understand faster. 

How to organize one's opinion is very important because it can make people understand in a different way. so, people who speak in the interview will always speak in an understandable way. How to arrange the way of speaking? In my opinion, I think people should first list the thing they want to talk about, and then make some example for each topic they want to say. They can make a final conclusion when they finish their topic list. So, In this way, people can be easily to understand what they are talking about. 

Texts in our life

We can easily access a lot of digital device in our daily life because they are becoming more and more popular, and many people are willing to pay for these service. We use Cellphone, iPod, laptop... and all these things are making our life become easier, connect us with people surround us. We teens love to use cellphone to send text and we do it every day. Sometimes we can also receive a lot of texts from others and this is sometimes annoy us. So what kind of text we want to receive? This is a problem.

We do not want to receive advertisement because this is make none-sense. we are more willing to receive some news letter and weather forecast. So, In conclusion we want to receive the information which is more helpful to us.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Previously, I talked about advertisement and I think these things will be succeed mainly based on their ideas and visual design.

Sometimes, we will persuade people to do something like the voting time, people will make a lot of post to persuade people trust them and then win the success. On these post, we can see strong slogan and other things mainly for voting, and they put their ideas and their plans on post, try to let people know they can be a very good choice. 

What is the most important factors on those post? It is very complex, because different people have different ideas and different preference. So, find a most popular way to solve the problems is the best way of doing that.

A good post will always bring a lot of good things and led people to success.

Different source

Every day, we can access different resource to see different opinions, and in this way people can access different ideas and different way of thinking. There are a lot of magazines and different resource around us and they have huge different opinions on that.

For students and researchers, resource is very important part of study and research. During study and research, people should use a lot of reference to make a good base and people should read a lot. But, normally, different materials have different opinions, and they usually focused on different facets. So, people who want to use these resource should made their own choice.

Not only in academic reference, but in many other books, like news papers and magazines, people will normally have different read based on the different opinions they put on those magazines. So, how can people use these magazines and newspapers? It is all depend on people themselves.

So, use a resource correctly can help a people a lot and read a lot also can help a people because people can access different ideas and different opinions, then people can have more knowledges.

Friday, September 30, 2011


We play x box, PS3, Wii... and in all these console games we create our own avatar to participate the game. personally, I play x box games and I like it very much. In the game I have my own avatars and it seems really cool. 

Which factors will make people to decide which avatars to create? probability male and female will have different ideas. Male are more willing to create a strong and powerful one while female are more willing to create a more lovely one. Also people will create their avatars depend on the game they are playing. For some role playing games people will more likely to create a stronger one to win each game while in some skill games people are more willing to chose a smart one to do each assignment. 

Different console will offer different avatars. For example, in Wii, the avatars are totally different than those in x box games. In Wii, there have a lot of cartoon characters. In a Racing game, there are many different avatars can be chosen, and all of them have different skills and abilities. I will chose different characters depend on the different matches.

Overall, avatar can be chosen by people themselves in the games. Although they are not realism, but they are people themselves in some way, because they are controlled by people. 

Friday, September 16, 2011


This is a market economy society, and people are trying their best to make money. We can see all kind of goods in the shopping centre and sometimes we can hardly decide which to buy because their are so many advertisements in the market.

If a manager want to sell a good, what should he or she do? Of course make the advertisement as good as possible, so, what should be included in the advertisements? Some attractive elements is necessary. Then, let customer feel good, so, the good can be sold.

Alright, so far today...I will continue tomorrow.

Chose a social network website

Recently, social network is becoming more and more popular especially among teens because they think it is a place which can share their ideas and their daily life. There is many type of social network website, for example, Facebook and Myspace. These two website is very popular recently. 

Some people use two website at the same time but others are not. Most people have their own preference base on the design and function of each website. Facebook and Myspace is not exactly the same, so, people can make their own choice base on their interest. 

I like Facebook because most of my friends chose to use facebook and I can contact them very easily though the Facebook. I also like its design because the design is very good and it is very concise. 

But, whatever which website people chose to use. it is always match people's preference, so we can not say which is good and which is not good. 

revision of writing

We write very often, especially in school, no matter in assignment, excise or exam. What makes a good writing? In my opinion, I think a good writing should be creative and attractive. How can we write a good paragraph? It is not very easy, and we should do a lot of work.

First, a good draft is necessary, in our draft, we should include our topic, main idea and many other evidences. We also need to prepare a lot before we write, to collect the useful informations and many other useful materials. We can do our draft more then one times with different ideas and see which one is the best choice.

After the draft, we can give our draft to other people and let them see whether it is good or not good, then we can listen to other people's opinion and suggestion. When we talk with other people, we can learn a lot, so, it is same in writing, we can learn a lot from other people when we share our passage to others.

When we get sufficient ideas, we can rewrite or modify our paragraph, using the new ideas to enrich our article, make it more nice to read. In this position, we should correct our grammar mistakes, to avoid spelling mistake. Then, our article can be more nice.

After we have done our article, we should read our passage again, to see whether it is perfect, if not, do the above stages again. 


We use quotation in our writing, aiming to strength our evidence, and making our passage more convince. What is quotation? Quotation is that we use a sentence or a paragraph from other people's article in our own article as an prove or evidence. We use it often especially when we are wring an article which is highly logic.

When we use quotation, we should put the source of the quotation, or it will be considered as plagiarize. For example, when we use a sentence, a picture or an paragraph from a website, we should put the URL on the bottom of the article and put the name of author if necessary. When we use a quotation form a book or a magazine, we should put the name, the author and the publisher in the bottom of the article. Then people who read your article can find the resource very easily.

How to chose the quotation? It is a very simple question. We chose the sentences and articles which are highly related to our own topic. In some case, we should use the whole article as the background or something else. If so, the quotation can be very long, then, in my opinion, I will put the source of the article on my own passage, tell readers where to find it. Then it can save a lot of space.

Overall, quotation is necessary, but we should correctly face it, and in this case it will help us a lot.

Can photograph really bring reality?

Based on my opinion, photography is a kind of art. People put the element of art in the photos, making it more beautiful and attractive. When people taking photos, they will chose a view, which is best for the whole photos. The light is also a important factor in photograph because the good light will make people feel very enjoyable. In this passage, I will talk about some of the photograph, in different situation.

When we going to travel, We can see a lot of beautiful scenery. And these scenery always attract us, and we always want to take photos during the travel. So, how to take take photos of the beautiful scenery? It is very professional and I am not going to talk about this in this case. What I want to talk about now is whether this photos are same as what we have seen in reality?

The answer is no. When I see the photos in travel magazines, I have seen a lot of beautiful scenery photos and thus I made my plan to travel there. But actually when I arrive there I find that the place is not as beautiful as those I have seen in the travel magazines. The photos usually after process and looks perfect. The photographers are very professional and they made the photo very nice no matter in which side.

Also, the photos in news and media sometimes also can not reflect the reality as well. Some photos are taken in certain conditions and can only stand for very small numbers part. Some photos are through computer process and are unreality, and people put them on newspapers for some purpose.

Photograph is just a kind of art and this sometime can not be reality. So, do not trust photos too much.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

What makes a good paper?

We have seen a lot of newspapers and magazines ever since. What factor decide which magazine or newspaper customers will buy seems very important. A good paper should be very attractive and nice-looking. But, what is the definition of a good paper?

Personally, I think the paper should print the most important information on the notable position, then, readers can know what the topic of this paper. Also, the paper should cover many pictures which can simply describe the information on the paper because people usually do not have much time to read the whole article. People can easily acquire information form image through scanning, so what picture to post on the article is very important.

The background is also very important, because a good background can easily reflect the information and topic of the article and it also can attract people to read the passage. So, what is a good background? Personally, I think the background should match the topic, and it may contain the information from the article. If the background is not a picture, then, the color should match the topic of the article.

A paper will not be good if it is simply filled with a lot of pictures, instead, it should contain both text and images. So, a good combination is very important. Personally, I think text and images should next to each other, which is we put the certain text near the certain picture, then readers can easily quickly get the information they need. What's more, the images should reflect what the text is talking about.

So, that's my opinions how to make a good paper.

Friday, September 2, 2011


 We are surrounded by advertisements, and receiving advertisement is becoming a part of our daily life. Advertisements are sometimes not so annoying, instead, they are very interesting, and they are becoming a way of relax. In this article, I will discuss the advertisements in many aspects. First, I will discuss different types of advertisements, including their media and form. Second, I will discuss an advertisement base on my own choice. Finally, I will analysis an advertisement in our daily life.

Every day, there are whole bunch of advertisements come to my mailbox, selling discount goods or coming new products. Every time when I go to market, they will give me a lot of handouts, printed selling information on that. Every time when I connect Internet, there is lots of pop-ups appear in my browser, telling me which products is coming. In this market economy, people are trying their best to promote their goods, trying to attract consumers, and trying to maximally create profits.

I have seen a lot of forms of advertisements. The advertisements should be impressive if they want to attract the consumers’ attention. If the advertisement is failed, then, every effort that the company made will be lost, so, companies always focus on how to make good advertisements. A good advertisement always cost a company a lot of times and money to made, and a good advertisement will bring a lot of benefits to a company. Many companies use a part of their profit to invest on the advertisement, they may hire advertising agents to help their design, or they may setup their own advertising group.

Advertisement can be promoted via a lot of media, like TV, newspapers, magazines. These advertisements can be made into many forms like posts and TV shows, depend on promoting media. Each media and form of advertisements has their own advantages. For example,

Some of the advertisements are promoted via handouts. Some handouts I have ever received are extremely thick, reach to hundreds pages. These handouts give elaborate information about the goods, giving costumer a good review. Normally, these handouts will cost a big money to print and assemble, but many companies are still insisting to do this, mainly because they trust they will bring a good reward. Personally, I think this is a good way to make handouts, compare to those handouts merely have one page, people are more likely to keep a thick one, and have a read more then one times.

Some handouts are print on books, magazines, and notebooks. Companies give these stuffs to customers for free, aiming to let customers see the advertisements. For some magazines, the price is very low, or even free, because some companies sponsor the publishers, and people can see a lot of advertisements when they read such a magazine. Some companies print notebooks by themselves, print a lot of advertisements on them, and then give them to customers for free. This will also cost a lot of money, but sometimes, the coming profit will be very huge.

As I mentioned before, a good advertisement can attract the customers’ attention and it will bring a lot of profits to the company. Now, I will talk about a way of my own advertisement. First, a suitable media is important because it will decide whether customers will see the advertisement. If I am the manager of a company, I will print the advertisements on the certain products, like cups and pencils because these things are daily necessary goods and people use them frequently. If we give these goods to customer for free, customers are always willing to accept them and bring them back home. So, if we Print advertisement on those goods, customers can easily see them and can often see them. Then, how to advertise is next step and this is also very important because customers can memorize an impressive advertisement permanently. I will choose to put products’ images because most time people are unwilling to read a lot of text, so, an impressive image can be possible. If everything is running on the right track, then when customers are using these goods in daily life, they will gradually accept the advertisement and go to buy them.

Now, I will analysis an advertisement of my choice. Personally, I like apple, I like the products bring by apple, not because their appearance is beautiful, but they ability of these products is awesome. Further more, products bring by apple is very convenient to use and they can let your life become much more easy. So, this time, I picked up an advertisement bring by apple very long ago, and the image of the advertisement is attached in the final paper, which is about a mac produced in 1984.

Macintosh is made by apple, and now is the most popular computer in the world. Apple made awesome computers, and they also made awesome advertisements for their product. In their advertisements, customers are easily be attract, and can easily acquire the information which apple trying to say. The awesome feature of mac is that mac is very easy to manipulate, and the display is very beautiful.

This is an advertisement produced by apple in 1984, although it is very old, it is very classic. The advertisement contains images and text, trying to give customer a lot of information about mac, and trying to persuade them to buy. Personally, I pretty like this advertisement because of its classic style and perfect arrangement of images and text.

First, let me analysis the images on the advertisement. There is a main image about the whole appearance of the mac. The screen of the mac shows “hello” in a beautiful style because it is apple that first introduced word style in computer. It shows quite difference with PC in that age, far before the windows appear. The size of this mac is small compare to other computers in that age, so there is another images says that this mac can be put into bags, and it seems it more like today’s laptop, and it is very convenient. The mouse, which we call it today, was invented by apple at that time. Do not like other computer, which only require keyboard to input command, this mac can input command through mouse. The text says: If you can point, you can use mac”. Other four images show the ability of mac to display images, and they can let customer realize that the mac has awesome ability to process both in a lot of areas.

Then, let me analysis the text on this advertisement. The text occupied most of the area of this advertisement, trying to give a lot of information to customers, and trying to let them realize the awesome features of mac. I think this is a advertisement should put on the magazines and newspapers, and then can be read as an article. Customer may be attracted by the awesome images of the advertisement, then, they will read the text. Customer will get the most information from the text when they read the article, then, they will interest in the product and finally buy them.

I think this is a good advertisement because it contains the most information which apple want to tell the costumers, and customers can easily acquire the information which apple trying to tell them. The arrangement of the images and articles is very suitable, and customers are very willing to read it as an article in newspapers and magazines.

It is an advertisement from very long ago. Now, apple made a lot of new awesome advertisement, ranging form video to picture. I like the advertisements made by apple because I like the unique style they made.

In conclusion, advertisements are everywhere in our daily life, and they hugely influenced our daily life. A good advertisement will not only bring a lot of profits to the company, but it will also bring people a lot of enjoyment in their daily life and enrich people’s life.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Cartoon analysis

Almost every newspapers and magazines have cartoons printed on them, relating to the issues on our daily life. Now, here is a cartoon I found on website, talking about an issue bring by Twitter.

On the cartoon, there is a man standing on the road, and behind him are many robots, waving their hands and saying let the man follow them back. The man feels afraid and he just want to escape from there, but those robots are following very close.

This is talking about a real issue in our daily life, which is about the Twitter use. Almost everybody have their own Twitter, and post something they want to share with other people. On twitter, there is a place where shows the clients' follower and who the clients are following with. Normally, people will feel pleasure that they have many followers because people may feel they win more attentions with huge numbers of followers. Usually, friends and families are the common followers, but what if all your friends and families become your followers? People may want as many followers as possible. So, they will follow people they might not know and ask them to follow back. Many people may be annoyed by such a manner, but what they can do in such an open internet?

There is an interesting comments on the bottom of the cartoon, which says:" At first, Bob was thrilled with all the attentions and followers." That is sarcasm, isn't it? Be attention to the words: "At first". Is that means something? Yes! A few times later, Bob may be glade that he has so many followers on his Twitter, and he might going to follow other people he might not know and ask them to follow back. As time going on, more and more people are willing to behave in such a manner.

The situation is similar in nearly all the social communication websites. People want to earn as many attentions as possible by other people. Sometimes it may cause people have huge numbers of "friends"on their list, some of them they might never meet in real life. Personally, I do not really like the way people communicate in those websites, I prefer to talk and communicate with my friends and people in real life, but do not waste time on those meaningless things on those website.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Advertisements are everywhere

We are surrounded by advertisements.

Every day, there are whole bunch of advertisements come to my mailbox, selling discount goods or coming new products. Every time when I go to market, they will give me a lot of handouts, printed selling information on that. Every time when I connect internet, there are lots of pop-ups appear in my browser, telling me which products is coming. In this market economy, people are trying their best to promote their goods, trying to attract consumers, and trying to maximumly create profits. 

First, let me talk about the advertisements via handouts. Some handouts I have ever received are extremely thick, reach to hundreds pages. These handouts gives elaborate informations about the goods, giving costumer a good review. Normally, these handouts will cost a big money to print and assemble, but many companies are still insisting to do this, mainly because they trust they will bring a good reward. Personally, I think this is a good way to make handouts, compare to those handouts merely have one page, people are more likely to keep a thick one, and have a read more then one times.

Some handouts are print on books, magazines, and notebooks. Companies give these stuffs to customers for free, aiming to let customers see the advertisements. For some magazines, the price is very low, or even free, because the publishers are sponsored by some companies, and people can see a lot of advertisements when they read such a magazine. Some companies print notebooks by themselves, print a lot of advertisements on them, then give them to customers for free. This will also cost a lot of money, but sometimes, the coming profit will be very huge.

Personally, if I am the manager of a company, I will print the advertisements on the certain products, like cups and pencils, and give these products to customer for free. This may like the advertisements print on notebooks and magazines, but, in my opinion, I think people will more likely to accept these goods, because they are more useful and they can be used for a long time. When customers are using these goods in daily life, they can see the advertisements more easily, and this is the effect we anticipate to reach, isn't it?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rhetoric in our life

First, randomly pick up a newspaper, have you seen that the newspaper is actually an advertisement paper, which filled up with the discount information and coming goods. But, the point is, we never tired up, instead, we are enjoyed in reading those advertisement. That is the reason why rhetoric should exists.

What is rhetoric? My understanding is that rhetoric is a tool to make an insipid word or sentence to be more attractive. For example, let us use an advertisement from Nike: Just do it. In my position, I think the rhetoric is the word: Just. Believe or not, what if the sentence become "Do it"?  Awful, isn't it? Do what seems a big problem, because we have a lot of things should be done in every moment. Then, when the word"Just" add up to the sentence, the sentence immediately become more energetic. Just do anything you should do, try your best, show your ability. This is the reason why the word" Just" should be there.

Let us see another example, use the slogan of our university: Go, tigers! Seems energetic, isn't it? The center of this is mainly on the word: "Go". This is a powerful word because it encourages us to be more confident. "Go, tigers" shows the audacious of we Clemson tigers, to overcome the obstacles and become the winner in the end.

Rhetoric is useful, very useful. It can be used in the advertisement and improve the selling; it can be used in the school, to encourage students to become more confident; it can be used on street or department, to make decoration. Without rhetoric, our world will be insipid, and people will be lack of energy. With rhetoric, life will filled with amazing, and people can have an awesome living environment.

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Hi, everyone, I'm gonna create an awesome blog, welcome you guys come to visit.